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2023-05-15 08:32:55 来源:中国石化新闻网

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网5月11日报道,ADNOC发起了一项全球竞赛,以寻找将重塑全球能源格局的创新。脱碳技术挑战赛得到了亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、bp、Hub71和净零技术中心的支持。







ADNOC低碳解决方案和国际增长理事会执行董事Musabbeh Al Kaabi表示:“ADNOC已拨出150亿美元用于到2030年具有里程碑意义的脱碳项目,包括碳捕集、电气化、新的二氧化碳吸收技术以及增加对氢和可再生能源的投资。我们期待着培养具有最有前途的创新的公司,这些创新可以帮助全球能源行业转型、脱碳和面向未来。”

寿琳玲 编译自 世界石油

ADNOC launches $1 million decarbonization technology challenge

ADNOC launched a global competition to find innovations that will reshape the global energy landscape. The Decarbonization Technology Challenge is being supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS), bp, Hub71, and the Net Zero Technology Center.

The competition was launched at UAE Climate Tech Forum in Abu Dhabi, where over 1,000 global policy makers, innovators, and industrial leaders met to drive technological solutions for decarbonization.

Ten finalists will be invited to pitch their innovations to a panel of judges in December 2023. Winners will receive up to $1 million in piloting opportunities with ADNOC. Scale-up companies specializing in carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), new energies, oil and gas emissions reduction, digital applications and advanced materials for decarbonization, and nature-based solutions are encouraged to apply.

The search will culminate in a final in the UAE in December 2023. 10 shortlisted entrants will be invited to present their ideas to a panel of expert judges. As well as receiving up to $1 million in piloting opportunities, winners will gain access to state-of-the-art research and innovation facilities in Abu Dhabi.

Entrants have 12 weeks to compile their applications and submit via a portal on decarbonization-challenge.com by Friday, August 11, 2023.

The competition is being delivered in partnership with the Net Zero Technology Center and supported by AWS, bp and Hub71. It supports ADNOC’s strategy to convene cross sectoral partners to find fresh and meaningful solutions to accelerate a responsible energy transition. AWS, bp and Hub71 will provide additional funding, panel judges and business support for the winners.

Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Executive Director, Low Carbon Solutions and International Growth Directorate, ADNOC said, “ADNOC has earmarked $15 billion for landmark decarbonization projects by 2030, including carbon capture, electrification, new CO2 absorption technology and enhanced investments in hydrogen and renewables. We look forward to nurturing companies with the most promising innovations that can help transform, decarbonize, and future proof the global energy sector.”

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )
